Tuesday 20 September 2016


Numbers of hoverflies are dropping sharply now that we are entering the second half of September. Flowering plants are becoming scarcer, with only Devilsbit Scabious and the odd Common Ragwort hanging on here. Probably my last visit to Blaencaerau this year looking for hoverflies, instead I'll concentrate on the lower end of the valley with its Ivy and Japanese Knotweed in bloom. Managed 20 species but lots of them were single number sightings. Other insects stole the show today on the photography front.

 Eristalis nemorum - diagnostic display flight
 Brindled Plume [A. Punctidactyla] - a tick for me but not new for the valley
 Common Darter - male
 Meadow Grasshopper - wings shorter than abdomen
Leaf Cutter Bee - probably/possibly Wood-carving Leafcutter Bee but there is to much pollen on the Bee to be sure. It is one of the Big three [in size], with Willoughby's and Silvery Leaf-cutter Bee. The lack of hair bands on the abdomen and bigger head point to Wood-carving amongst other things, But Irecord experts wont commit. This record therefore goes down as "plausible" record.

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