Wednesday 15 March 2017

Blaencaerau "COP" - and we're off

Warm [17c] spring day with lots of sun, so had a walk around the COP, the only flower in bloom was Coltsfoot. But there were plenty of flies feeding on it including the first three species of hoverfly for me this year in Eristalis tenax [5], Episyrphus balteatus [8] and Platycheirus albimanus [2]. Also there was a large brown Tachind which looks like Tachina ursina [2] and an Andrena mining bee that looks like Gwynne's mining bee [5], but I've put both on irecord for conformation (both confirmed).

Also seen were 5 White-tailed Bumblebee and Frogs were calling and spawning in the old feeder pond.

Birds were also well represented in pairs of Stonechat,, Skylark and Song Thrush. Surprisingly there were 4 pairs of Bullfinch dotted around feeding on willow buds, also seen was a female Reed Bunting, Jay and a singing Chiffchaff in the pines was a first for the year.

 Episyrphus balteatus
 Eristalis tenax
 Platycheirus albimanus
 possible Gwynne's mining bee [Andrena bicolor] - confirmed 1st for valley
 possible Tachina ursina - confirmed 1st for valley

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