Another warm day hitting 26c, but this didn't seem to bother the hoverflies feeding on the late summer blooms of Water Mint, Fennel, Heather, Common Ragwort, Tormentil, Hen-bit Dead Nettle, Black Knapweed, Creeping Thistle and Devil's Bit Scabious. Recorded 25 species which is more or less back to normal for August. Highlights included Caeraus' first Platycheirus manicatus and Rhingia rostrata but both were too quick to photograph. Also had a Pipiza noctulica which is new for the valley, but needs confirming by DET at the end of season.
Water Mint at Caerau side ponds is a magnet for hoverflies
Baccha elongata - cannot get this species to sit still, hence always just out of focus
Helophilus hybridus - male hiding in the water mint, I have other shots to show the leg colour, but the fused yellow on tergite 2 and 3 is enough for ID.
Leucozona laternaria
Sericomyia silentis - not to many around this year
Air ambulance helicopter, lifting up from forestry near skull rocks where a motorcyclist had crashed and broken a leg or two.