Saturday, 17 August 2019


Weather today was fine after 3 days heavy rain but I wasn't expecting to record 36 species of hoverfly. Eristalis tenax (130) was the most numerous, while "good" records included Chrysotoxum bicinctum (1), Chrysotoxum festivum (4), Dasysyrphus albostriatus (1), Eupeodes corollae (6), Eupeodes luniger (6), Leucozona glaucia (3), Leucozona laternaria (1), Melangyna umbellatarum (1) and Xanthogramma pedissequum (7).

Few butterflies about with Common Blue (5) the most numerous. The micro moth specialist of Angelica - Phaulernis fulviguttella was the 4th record for Glamorgan following on from last year when I found it up Top Llangynwyd (2nd record for Glamorgan) and obviously new for the C.O.P. All other insects were the usual suspects. 6 Swift were over Caerau for most of the late afternoon/evening, this being quite a late date for the species and were passage migrants rather than breeders that all left by the 1st August.

 Chrysotoxum festivum
 Baccha elongata on the only Fennel plant in Caerau
 Phaulernis fulviguttella
 Common Blue

Friday, 16 August 2019

some interesting insects from last week

 Fleabane Tortoise Beetle
 Hairy (Sloe) Shieldbug
Physocephala rufipes - a rather odd looking conopid fly

Saturday, 3 August 2019


A bit murky today, but plenty of hoverflies about with the blooming Angelica, Black Knapweed, Common Fleabane, Hemp Agrimony and Common Ragwort providing ample food source for 450 hoverflies of 26 species. New for the year was Cheilosia vernalis, highest counts were Eristalis pertinax (100) and Cheilosia impressa (60). Good records included Xanthogramma pedissequum (1) and Eristalis rupium (1).

Butterfly numbers are still on the low side, while other insects noted were Tachina grossa and Stictoleptura rubra.

 Tachina grossa - another contestant for UK's biggest fly
 Stictoleptura rubra
Cheilosia scutellata - now out in big numbers

Friday, 2 August 2019

Don't go down to the woods today......

The Dark Giant Horsefly is one of the biggest flies you will come across reaching 40mm (1.5") in length and this one looked to be easily that size. It's bite is described as akin to being stabbed, and I thought the tiny cleg bites were bad .