Sunday, 22 December 2019

Hoverfly highlights 2019

I'm still waiting patiently for my specimen results for the year, Roger has assured me that they wont be to long now. So here's a round up of this years records and a few photos of the highlights.

 Cheilosia chrysocoma
 Chrysotoxum arcuatum
 Chrysotoxum festivum
 Criorhina asilica
Xanthogramma stackelbergi

Thursday, 5 December 2019


Sandgrouse are amongst my favourite bird families. There are 16 species in the family, I've seen 11 species of these of which I have photographed 8 species.

 Spotted Sandgrouse - Morocco
 Crowned Sandgrouse - Morocco
 Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse - Ethiopia
 Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse - Ethiopia
 Black-bellied Sandgrouse - Kazakhstan
 Pallas's Sandgrouse - Kazakhstan
 Namaqua Sandgrouse - South Africa
Burchell's Sandgrouse [foreground] with Namaqua Sandgrouse [pair behind] - South Africa

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Blast from the past volume 3 - African birds of prey

 Long-crested Eagle - Ethiopia
 Shikra - Ethiopia
 Osprey - Gambia
 Jackal Buzzard - South Africa
Pale-chanting Goshawk - South Africa

Monday, 2 December 2019

Blast from the past volume 2

Continuing on the theme on nocturnal birds here's some Owls.

 Pharoah's Eagle-Owl - Morocco
 Great Grey Owl - Finland
 Pygmy Owl - Finland
 Pearl-spotted Owlet - Gambia
Spotted Eagle-owl - South Africa

blast from the past volume 1

With the nights long and cold here's some nightjars roosting by day from the archive.

 Egyptian Nightjar - Morocco
 Montane Nightjar - Ethiopia
 Long-tailed Nightjar - Gambia
Standard-winged Nightjar - Gambia