Weather hasn't been brilliant for my week off, hoverfly numbers have been generally low. Nevertheless I took my yearly tally to 83, this is quite poor for the time of year, I should be around 90+ species by now.
Some highlights include Platycheirus rosarum (0 seen in 2019), Chrysotoxum festivum (1m), Criorhina berberina (1f), Cheilosia lasiopa (2f), Anasymia contracta (7) and the emergence of the 2 common Volucella - V. bombylans and V. pellucens.
On the bird front most species have now settled in with at least 3 pairs of Swift nesting in my street. Also located 2 nests of House Martin in Caerau Road. Lots of insects were new for the year (pictures below).
Volucella bombylans (red-tailed form)
Red-headed Cardinal Beetle
Rutpela maculata (longhorn beetle)
Grammoptera ruficornis (longhorn beetle)
Myopa buccata (conopid fly - 1st for me)
Burnet Companion (day flying moth)
Depressaria daucella caterpillar (micro moth specialist feeder on [Hemlock] Water Droplet plants)