Thursday, 30 July 2020

Top Llan in the sunshine.

Stopped at top Llangynwyd on the way home from work as the best areas get direct sunshine in the afternoon. A lot less walker types about now, only 2 cars in the car park as opposed to twenty, hurray. A good haul of 29 species of hoverfly were recorded, new for the year were Megasyrphus erratica (2m), Eupeodes lapponicus (1f), Melangyna umbellatarum (1m) and Parasyrphus lineola (1m) taken me to 99 for the year. Other good records included Chrysotoxum festivum (1m), Scaeva pyrastri (1f), Xanthogramma pedissequum s.s (2) and Volucella bombylans (plumata form male). Most common species was Cheilosia illustrata (65).

Plenty of other fly families also feeding on the masses of Hogweed including Conopidae - Sicus ferrugineous, Physocephala rufipes. Tachinidae - Dexiosoma caninum, Phasia hemipters (2m,16f) and the micro moths Pammene aurana (20) and Dichrorampha alpinana (1) which was new for me and confirmed on irecord.  

Scaeva pyrastri - migrant hoverfly
Dichrorampha alpinana-tick for me but not new for valley
Large Skipper - seem to be very common this year
Phasia hemiptera (female) - very common today
Neuroterus numismalis - Silk Button Gall [new for valley]

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Lletty Brongu woods and lanes Saturday

Weather was overcast with drizzle at times, but the lanes are now covered in Hogweed as well as open patches in the woods. Despite the weather I recorded 29 species of hoverfly. New for the year included Leucozona laternaria (1m), Leucozona glaucia (1f), Sphegina elegans (1f) and Xanthogramma pedissequum (1m) taking me to 95 species for the year. Other highlights included Platycheirus angustatus (1f), Scaeva pyrastri (4) and Cheilosia vernalis (1m). Some of the common species were out in good numbers like Melanostoma scalare (65), Platycheirus albimanus (22), Cheilosia illustrata (16), Chrysogaster solstitialis (57), Neoascia podagrica (50), Sphegina species (20), Eristalis pertinax (35) and Syritta pipiens (100).

Cheilosia impressa
Cheilosia scutellata
Lucozona glaucia
Xanthogramma pedissequum
Sericomyia silentis
Meliscaeva auricollis
Myathropa florea
Volucella pellucens

Thursday, 16 July 2020

Some insects this week

Been a hard week for photography, with the weather dodgy at times, so here's a few shots I managed to take.

Phytomyza tussilaginis - fly leaf-mine on Coltsfoot [new for valley].
Dexiosoma caninum - Tachinid fly
Black-horned Gem - Soldier Fly
Chrysotoxum bicinctum - Hoverfly
Cheilosia impressa - Hoverfly
Holly Blue - my first photograph of this species of butterfly
Myopa testacea - Conopid fly

Monday, 13 July 2020

Lower Valley weekend strolls

Some fine weather this weekend meant I could walk the hedgerows and woods of the lower valley. I visited Lletty Brongu Lanes, Pont Rhyd-y-Cyff Lanes and Cwm Goblyn Beech Woods. A total of 36 species of hoverfly was recorded even though I'm still missing some common species for the year, nevertheless my total is now 90 for the year. New for the year included Lejogaster metallina (1), Cheilosia scutellata (4), Dasysyrphus pinastri (1) and Didea fasciata (2m).  The Hogweed species were out in good numbers - Cheilosia illustrata (66), Chrysogaster solstitialis (178) and surprisingly Orthonevra nobilis (16). Some of the better species included Riponnensia splendens (2), Scaeva pyrastri (1f), Volucella pellucens (2) and Criorhina berberina (5) three of which were of the scarce form "oxycanthae".

 Volucella pellucens
 Gall mite on Beech - Hartigiola annulipes - new for valley
Beech woods at Cwm Goblyn
Tree Damselbug - confirmed on Irecord and new for the valley

Friday, 10 July 2020


Finally got out, for what seems like an eternity. I'm off now until 20th July. Got a lot of catching up to do if the weather holds out.

23 species of hoverfly seen today with Melangyna labiatarum, Parhelophilus versicolor and Merodon equestris new for the year. A few species were out in good numbers like Episyrphus balteatus (43), Cheilosia illustrata (30) and Eupeodes corollae (22). Other highlights included Eupeodes luniger (2f), Scaeva pyrastri (1f) and Syrphus vitripennis (2f).

New insects for the year include the micro moths Ancylis badiana (1), Pammene aurana (5) and the conopid fly Physocephala rufipes.

the hoverfly - Merodon equestris
Micro moth - Pammene aurana