Saturday, 17 July 2021


 Very Hot day at 26c 🌞 which usually means very few insects as was the case. One thing that stood out was that the migrants weren't affected by the heat and outnumbered the resident hoverflies. Good numbers of migrants included Episyrphus balteatus (130), Scaeva pyrastri (7), Scaeva selenitica (3 and new for the year). Resident populations whose numbers are swelled by migrants included Meliscaeva auricollis (90) and Eupeodes corollae (11), so the majority of these I suspect were migrants. Notable resident sightings were Eupeodes lapponicus (1), Eupeodes luniger (1) and Sericomyia silentis (6). All in all 22 species were recorded.

Plenty of other insects were out particularly the more sun loving ones. 7 species of butterfly headed by Small Pearl-bordered fritillary and day flying moths headed by 2 late flying and worn Forester. First Sicus ferrugineus conopid fly of the year was spotted and finally ladybirds are becoming more noticeable.

Of the birds Whitethroat and Chiffchaff were having a second wind of singing and the first 4 Swift juvs were in the air.

Very common today were Meliscaeva auricollis (l) and Episyrphus balteatus (r)
Eupeodes lapponicus are having an excellent year
Eupeodes corollae 
Forester moth - out of focus as it took off

Saturday, 10 July 2021

Lletty Lanes

 First chance to get out this month after a record breaking June. The weather was not ideal but we did have a burst of fine weather for 2 hours in the afternoon, So I managed a quick walk around Llangynwyd and Lletty Brongu lanes, Bramble is now in full bloom and Hogweed has started to bloom in the lower end of the valley as well. I recorded 22 species of hoverfly with Leucozona laternaria (1) and Melangyna umbellatarum (1) new for the year. Most common species was Syritta pipiens (45). With the the Hogweed in bloom, its' specialist feeders Cheilosia illustrata (17) and Chrysogaster solstitialis (8) are starting to emerge. Other good records included Platycheirus clypeatus (1), Criorhina berberina (1) and Xylota sylvarum (1).

Comma and Small Tortoiseshell butterflies were on the wing as were six longhorn beetle Rutpela maculata. Other flies included the soldierflies Broad Centurian and Black Snipefly. The first of the soldier beetle Rhagonycha fulva (100) were feeding and breeding on Hogweed. No birds of note were seen.

Cheilosia illustrata
Chrysogaster solstitialis
Criorhina berberina
Leucozona laternaria
Syritta pipiens
Rutpela maculata