Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Caerau (Monday)

 Although the weather was poor, it's now Devilsbit Scabious season and it looks like a good crop this season. With this and good back-up from Goldenrod and Angelica, I managed a healthy 34 species some in good numbers. With the Scabious usually comes the larger more colourful hoverflies and I wasn't dissapointed. Highlights included Chrysotoxum bicintum, Chrysotoxum Festivum, Dasysyrphus albostriatus, Eupeodes latifasciatus, Xanthogramma pedissequum, Helophilus hybridus, Helophilus pendulus, Myathropa florea, Sericomyis silentis, Volucella bombylans and Volucella pellucens.

Other insect highlights included another Star-wort larva on Goldenrod, and the flies Tachina fera and Physocephela rufipes. No visible bird migration as of yet.

Devilsbit Scabiuos patch
Volucella pellucens
Baccha elongata
Myathropa florea
Serociomyia silentis
Star-wort larva on Goldenrod

Saturday, 26 August 2023

Gilfach (west), Top Llan

 Not much to see in-between the heavy showers, but what was seen was of good quality in the hoverfly world.

Didea fasciata - having a good year
Chrysotoxum arcuatum - summer brood
Xanthogramma pedissequum s.s.- the sternite (underneath abdomen) identification feature not shown in this photo but seen in field.
Rhingia campestris - second brood rather scarce this year
Meliscaeva cinctella -commonest hoverfly at this time of year on Angelica

Sunday, 20 August 2023

Maesteg cemetery area

 Weather broke and became sunny in the afternoon, so a 3hr walk around the cemetery and school area produced 34 species with the pick being Volucella zonaria supported by Chrysotoxum bicinctum, Melangyna umbellatarum and Volucella pellucens. Commonest species were Eristalis tenax (60) and Cheilosia impressa (50). The Syrphus ribesii irruption continues with 12 females noted.

Pick of the other insect families  included the bug Adelphocoris quadripunctatus (a Glamorgan speciality), the conopid fly Physocephala rufipes, The Tachinid fly Tachina fera and the Tortoise Shieldbug. Eight species of butterfly included Red Admiral and 16 Speckled Wood (my largest day count so far). Also seen was the micro moth Mompha locupletella but photos were out of focus.

Volucella zonaria
Volucella pellucens
Melangyna umbellatarum
Adelphocoris quadripunctatus
Tortoise Shieldbug
Physocephala rufipes
Tachina fera

Friday, 18 August 2023

Blaencaerau (Thursday)

 Hoverflies seem to be dropping rapidly. Only 23 species seen in a 2hr walk, Chrysotoxum festivum being the pick. Lots of various Tachinid flies about just wish I had a key so I could capture and identify a few.

Chrysotoxum festivum
Eupeodes luniger (face shot out of focus)
Conopid Fly - Physocephala (probably - rufipes)

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

various insects this week


Phasia hemiptera
Ypsolopha parenthensis
Tachina fera
Nowickia ferox
Marsh Damselbug
Golden-ringed Dragonfly
Dock Bug - late instar

hoverflies this week

 It looks like hoverfly numbers have peaked and started the great wind down for the year. 44 species this week with some photos below. Places visited include Spelter, Maesteg golf course and Garnwen lower moors.

Dasysyrphus albostriatus
Sericomyia silentis
Syrphus ribesii

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Top Llan (Gilfach west)

 Weatherman promised sunny weather today - he got it wrong again, it was overcast with only brief spells of fine weather. Recorded 21 species of hoverflies with numbers dropping slightly maybe due to the weather. New for the year was Leucozona glaucia and other highlights include Eupeodes lapponicus and Didea fasciata.

Leucozona glaucia
Eupeodes lapponicus
Didea fasciata
Bordered Beauty

Saturday, 5 August 2023

New tachinid for valley

 Just had this tachinid confirmed on Irecord as Dinera cariniformis which is new for the valley. Not many records from South Wales.

Hoverflies still out in good numbers on Thursday with 34 species of 900 individuals at Caerau and Spelter. Also a Slow Worm crossed the path in front of me and the first Starwort caterpillars are appearing on Goldenrod which is just starting to bloom.

Slow Worm
Starwort caterpillar
Dasysyrphus albostriatus