Sunday 10 May 2020

Blaencaerau C.O.P

Weather was hot (20c) and very heavy with a dark cloud built up but no rain. I recorded 19 species of hoverfly but all in single or low numbers. Unlike the lower end of the valley, the Hawthorn and Sycamore are not quite in bloom yet, so there was very little for hoverflies to feed on besides Cuckooflower and Rowan which are not favoured plants. New for the year were Platycheirus granditarsus, Eupeodes corollae and Neoascia tenur.

Had my first of the year butterflies in Dingy Skipper and Small Heath. Grass Snake and Lizard made up the reptiles. No unusual insects except Mompha divisella which I haven't seen in a while and there were a lot of Empis tessellata (Dagger Fly) about, this species feed on all sorts of flies including hoverflies, numbers will have to drop if I am to get big numbers of hoverflies. On the bird front the first returning Swift (1) and House Martin (2) were seen  and Whitethroat numbers are up to 7 singing males. There were also 4 pairs of Stonechat holding territory around the area.

Dingy Skipper
Small Heath
Mompha divisella agg.


Paul Parsons said...

The micro is Mompha divisiella/bradeyli Martin. Willowherb feeder that needs gen det to separate.

Martyn Hnatiuk said...

Bugger !, I'm not doing very well with these micros am I.

Paul Parsons said...

Same as me with names, Martyn!