Sunday 24 May 2020

Lletty Brongu woods today

To be honest I wasn't expecting much today, so I'm a little taken aback as I recorded 40 species of hoverfly, only the third time I have achieved this. The umbellifer Ground Elder was in full bloom and it is the first time this year that I have seen every flowerhead covered in various flies. There were 9 new species for the year taken my total to 70. There were many highlights, some noted in the following paragraph.

A female Psilota anthracina, a species only ever recorded in Wales within the Llynfi Valley was located on Ground Elder near the river, it is a species of ancient woodland in England, some areas of the valley including here fit the bill. Last year however it was recorded twice on the edge of spruce plantation and this is how it is recorded on the continent. Ferdinandea cuprea a scarce arboreal species was photographed feeding at ground level on Meadow Buttercup. A Dasysyrphus venustus was potted and confirmed from its close relative D. neovenustus [not yet seen in valley]. 7 species of Cheilosia were seen including the scarce Cheilosia lasiopa. Migrants were seen for the first time this year in Scaeva pyrastri (3) and Episyrphus balteatus (16). A Brachyopa scutellaris was seen on Ground Elder in the same spot as in 2018. Also seen new for the year on Ground Elder were Chrysogaster solstitialis, Orthonevra nobilis and Riponnensia splendens. A female Eumerus funeralis was associating with Neapolitan Garlic at the farm entrance. Chalcosyrphus nemorum male was seen in the woods on Meadow Buttercup. Finally 3 species of Xylota were seen including new for the year Xylota sylvarum

Ferdinandea cuprea
Scaeva pyrastri
Episyrphus balteatus
Xylota sylvarum
Eristalis arbustorum

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