Saturday, 24 March 2018

Hoverfly season

The new hoverfly season is upon us, but due to the cold weather it is having a rather late start. Last year I recorded my first hoverfly on 15th March, but this year I've yet to see one.

I've uploaded a couple of maps below, showing the Hoverfly Recording Scheme 2016 records which have been uploaded to its data base. The larger the red circle, the higher the number of species recorded and verified. These map are quite different from the NBN Gateway as these are verified unlike the NBN Gateway which has all manor of spurious records from inexperienced observers.

You can also see that the two 10km squares for the valley are the highest recorded in Wales for 2016. The records for 2017 will probably be uploaded  midway though this year. So here's to a successful 2018 and hopefully some new species for the valley as there are plenty left for us to get.


Paul tabor said...

6 species the weekend E.tenax E.pertinax M.auricollis P.alb E.balt and Melangyna las. also had andrena scotica not sure if its been recorded in valley yet? All on lesser celandine sewage works be nice to see if we can get Melangyna quadrimaculata early spring species apparently they like sallows near forestry edges but can turn up anywhere on sallows this month early april worth checking early budding trees

Martyn Hnatiuk said...

Melangyna quadrimaculata is high on my list, I have a number of spots and sallows to inspect over the next few weeks. I am also going to visit the more obscure damp woods in the valley to see if I can find some large patches of Ramsons. The sewage works now have very little Ramsons due to the growth of Japanese Knotweed. Melangyna also a possibility in April as is Criorhina asilica. Other to look out for in spring include Melangyna Cincta, Meligramma trianguliferum and Cheilosia chrysocoma.

Paul tabor said...

Take a net apparently they prefer high up in the tree