Saturday, 12 May 2018

Weekly roundup

Managed to get out a couple of times this week between the showers. Hoverflies are finally starting to emerge in numbers, with new species for the year in Dasysyrphus venustus, Parasyrphus punctulatus (11 in one Sycamore Tree feeding on its flowers), Syrphus ribesii, Sphegina Clunipes,  Neoascia podagrica, Sericomyia lappona, Criorhina berberina, Cheilosia Bergenstammi, Rhingia rostrata and Xylota segnis.

Wood Warbler and Garden Warbler have been seen at a number of locations and the first swift appeared on the 9th. A male Peregrine at the usual site but no sign of a female on one visit. Cuckoos seem to be all around the valley with at least 4 heard away from the main areas like My. Bach and Top Llangynwyd.

Insects have been rather scarce but I had the first of the year Speckled Wood and Green-veined White are now abundant. Micropterix calthella and Gorse Tortrix moths are emerging in the lower end of the Valley.

First of the year blooms were topped off by Yellow Pimpernel, but Hawthorn is about three weeks away from blossoming.

 Helophilus pendulus
 Rhingia rostrata
 Sericomyia lappona
Sericomyia silentis

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