Monday, 27 August 2018


After a bright start to the day the weather quickly turned cloudy and cool with a stiff westerly, north-westerly wind. Not ideal conditions for insects, but the Angelica at Garnwen always delivers even on dank days like today. 21 species of hoverfly were seen with Eriozona syrphoides (rare) and Xanthogramma pedissequum (local) being the first of the year with a very late female Chrysogaster solstitialis a pleasant surprise. It is also good to see some species out in large numbers like Meliscaeva cinctella (220) and Eristalis pertinax (200), they have recovered well from the heatwave in July.

The only other family of insects of note were the Ladybird beetles, with 4 species present in good numbers and included Larch Ladybird, Harlequin Ladybird, 10-spot Ladybird and the common 7-spot Ladybird.

 Eriozona Syrphoides (5th valley record)
 Xanthogramma pedissequum 
 Chrysogaster solstitialis (my latest record by far)
 Larch Ladybird
Harlequin Ladybird

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