Saturday, 29 June 2019

Cwmfelin Park

Very hot today (28c) making hoverfly recording very difficult as they tend to disappear at 26c. Nevertheless I did manage 18 species all in low numbers. Syritta pipiens (15) was the highest recorded. Good records included Scaeva pyrastri (2) and Xylota sylvarum (1).

Plenty of Butterflies out with 8 species seen, headed by Painted Lady (12). A large emergence of the soldier fly Broad Centurion (100+) was witnessed and the first Rutpela maculata (8) longhorn beetle have emerged otherwise all the usual species. Another gall on Large-leaved Lime this time that of the patch gall mite Eriophyes leiosoma.

 Scaeva pyrastri
 Eupeodes corollae
 Rutpela maculata
 Painted Lady
Patch gall of Eriophyes leiosoma

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Some more photos from this week

 Dasysyrphus albostriatus
 Sphaerophoria scripta
 Welsh Chafer
 Heather Fly - Bibio pomonae
Harlequin Ladybird - colour form 54 😜

Saturday, 22 June 2019

weekly round up

Visited a few sites this week, Gilfach (west) [wed], Blaencaerau [fri] and Garnwen [sat]. It's been hard going as the last two weeks of June are usually the time when the spring hoverflies are finished and we are waiting for the summer hoverflies to emerge in the first week of July. It is also the lull between broods of the double brooded species. Nevertheless I recorded 54 species with new for the year Dasysyrphus tricinctus (83 for the year). Highest day count was Xylota segnis (60). Good records include Didea fasciata and Eupeodes lapponicus at Gilfach (west) and Chrysogaster virescens and Eupeodes lapponicus at Garnwen. Volucella bombylans and pellucens are also numerous.

Butterflies are again out in good numbers and species topped by 3 Small Pearl-bordered fritillary at Blaencaerau at the location of the old feeder reservoir which is now classed as rough damp grassland with a small pool. Dragonflies are emerging with Emperor, Keeled Skimmer, Broad-bodied Chaser, 4-spot Chaser and Common Darter noticeable and Damselflies represented by Common Blue, Azure, Emerald and Large Red damselflies. Other insects include the gall mite Eriophyes laevis on Alder and the fruit fly Urophora cardui.

 Dasysyrphus tricinctus
 Alder pimple galls of the gall mite Eriophyes laevis
 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
fruit fly - Urophora cardui [Canadian thistle gall fly]

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Various sites saturday

I visited a few sites, mainly because of the improving weather. Lletty Brongu (11-1300hrs) - weather was overcast windy and cold. Cwmfelin Park (13-1400hrs) - weather improving but still a little cloudy. Gilfach (west), top Llan (1430-1630) - weather much better, fine and sunny for the most part.
I recorded 36 species between the 3 sites with Gilfach (west) coming out on top with 28 species. Most numerous species being Xylota segnis (110) and Meliscaeva auricollis (99). I also found a male Eupeodes lapponicus at Gilfach (west) a second site now in the valley for this national rarity. Also new for the year was Eristalis nemorum (1) and Helophilus trivittatus (1) both at Gilfach (west). Other notable records included Chrysotoxum bicinctum (1)Dasysyrphus pinastri (3), Dasysyrphus venustus agg. (1), Parhelophilus versicolor (1) and Criorhina berberina (2).

Other insects of note were the first Large Skipper (3) butterfly of the year at Cwmfelin Park and first Red Admiral of the year at Gilfach (west). Longhorns Pachytodes cerambyciformis (1) at Lletty Brongu woods and Rhagium bifasciatum (1) at Gilfach (west). I also photographed the "nail" gall of the gall mite Eriophyes tiliae on Large-leaved Lime at Cwmfelin Park.

 This small patch of Ground Elder and Hawthorn next to a spruce plantation is proving to be a mecca for rare hoverflies.
 "nail" gall of the gall mite Eriophyes tiliae on Large-leaved Lime.
 Large Skipper
 Volucella pellucens - now out in good numbers around Bramble
 and likewise for Volucella bombylans form plumata
Criorhina - an example of how not to take the right angle photograph. An above shot is needed to separate Criorhina floccosa and berberina "oxyacanthae" form, this one looks like floccosa but doesn't have the long hairs on tergite 2 and the frons projection is also more akin to berberina.

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Garnwen/Gilfach (west) a good day

Sunday finally gave us some good weather so I visited Garnwen [1200-1500hrs] and Gilfach [1600-1800hrs]. Between the both of them I had 35 species. New for the year was Dasysyrphus pinastri (25) with a major emergence at Garnwen and a late and confiding Cheilosia chrysocoma (1) at Gilfach (west). A good count of Meliscaeva auricollis (55) was more than I recorded in the whole of 2018. Other good records included Baccha elongata (6), Chrysotoxum arcuatum (1) and Criorhina berberina (1).

 Cheilosia chrysocoma
 Chrysotoxum arcuatum
 Criorhina berberina
 Dasysyrphus pinastri

Friday, 7 June 2019

weekly round up (hoverflies)

Again I've been stopping off at places on the way home after work this week including Gilfach (west), Garnwen and Mynydd Bach (south). Besides the Criorhina asilica I recorded 43 species with new for the year in Chrysotoxum bicinctum, Volucella bombylans, and Volucella pellucens a few photos below.

 Cheilosia illustrata
 Meliscaeva auricollis
 Volucella bombylans
 Volucella pellucens
Xylota jakutorum

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Criorhina asilica new for valley

I stopped off at top Llan (Gilfach (west) SS8487] on the way home from work knowing the area only gets direct sunlight after 3pm.. I was surprised to see quite a few Hawthorn trees still in full bloom as everywhere else in the valley they are know finished. I saw a total of 24 hoverfly species in little over an hour, but the Hawthorns in direct sunlight were buzzing with hoverflies (400+ in total). The prize was the valleys first ever Criorhina asilica a rare and not often seen species, there have been only 3 previous records for Glamorgan, last year at Margam (PTa) and 2 historical records from Glyneath and Cardiff areas. We have now recorded all the 4 species of Criorhina in the valley, which is no mean feat.

Looking down from the turn off to Mynydd Ty-Talwyn, the Criorhina asilica was photographed on a small blooming Hawthorn on the left (centre of photo).

Saturday, 1 June 2019

Lletty Brongu woods

Warm and humid today (24c), searching for hoverflies was hard going but I did manage 24 species, with new for the year in Eristalis arbustorum (10), Pipiza austriaca (1), Xylota sylvarum (1) and Microdon myrmicae agg. Syritta pipiens being the most numerous (25). Still large numbers of bees around to continue their good year. Only 2 species of Butterfly about, but a first for me was 2 forms of Harlequin Ladybird mating otherwise all the usual suspects.

 Helophilus pendulus
 Xylota sylvarum
 Harlequin Ladybird - 2 colour forms mating
2-spot Ladybird