Thursday 6 June 2019

Criorhina asilica new for valley

I stopped off at top Llan (Gilfach (west) SS8487] on the way home from work knowing the area only gets direct sunlight after 3pm.. I was surprised to see quite a few Hawthorn trees still in full bloom as everywhere else in the valley they are know finished. I saw a total of 24 hoverfly species in little over an hour, but the Hawthorns in direct sunlight were buzzing with hoverflies (400+ in total). The prize was the valleys first ever Criorhina asilica a rare and not often seen species, there have been only 3 previous records for Glamorgan, last year at Margam (PTa) and 2 historical records from Glyneath and Cardiff areas. We have now recorded all the 4 species of Criorhina in the valley, which is no mean feat.

Looking down from the turn off to Mynydd Ty-Talwyn, the Criorhina asilica was photographed on a small blooming Hawthorn on the left (centre of photo).

1 comment:

Paul tabor said...

Awesome find a very difficult species to nail down well done