Friday 28 August 2020

Devilsbit Scabious patch now in full bloom

 At the end of August the Devilsbit Scabious comes into bloom at the river bank opposite Newtown bungalows and is usually good for hoverflies for a couple of weeks. But on Wednesday it was in fine form with it being sunny and warm in the afternoon after morning rain. 16 species of hoverfly were recorded just on this plant a full list below.

Melanostoma scalare (2f)
Platycheirus albimanus (5)
Episyrphus balteatus (30)
Eupeodes luniger (3f)
Rhingia campestris (4)
Eristalis arbustorum (f)
Eristalis horticola (2m)
Eristalis intricaria (f)
Eristalis nemorum (3f)
Eristalis pertinax (35)
Eristalis tenax (120)
Helophilus hybridus (f)
Helophilus pendulus (23)
Helophilus trivittatus (15)
Sericomyia silentis (18)
Syritta pipiens (4)

A further 3 species were seen on surrounding flowers and they were Cheilosia illustrata (Angelica), Cheilosia impressa (Angelica) and Sphaerophoria scripta (Common Fleabane). Quite a few butterflies were also present like Gatekeeper, Small Tortoiseshell, Small White, Common Blue and Large White. A Common Lizard was basking on a corrugated iron sheet in the sunshine and I photographed a spider that looks like Larinioides cornutus (Furrow Orb Spider) but I will have to wait for confirmation (or not) from Irecord before it can be claimed new for the valley. Moths were represented by Silvery Y, Dingy Footman and the Angelica specialist micro Phaulernis fulgivitella.

Eristalis intricaria
Eristalis nemorum
Eristalis tenax
Eupeodes luniger
Helophilus trivittaus
Rhingia campestris
Sericomyia silentis
Phaulernis fulgivitella
Dingy Footman
Common Lizard
possibly Lariniodes cornutus (Furrow Orb Spider)

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