Monday 21 September 2020


 With only a short window, I visited the scabious patch again, it was still going strong with 20 species seen, highlights included Eupeodes latifasciatus (f), Xanthogramma pedissequum (f) and Sericomyia silentis (12). Most numerous species was again Eristalis tenax (55).

Sericomyia silentis
Rhingia campestris
Eristalis tenax

A Dock Bug was new for the C.O.P. and 10 Silver Y were feeding on Devilsbit Scabious. 4 species of common butterfly were also present. A singing Garden Warbler in the bungalow trees was a bit of a surprise though.


Paul tabor said...

hi martyn i had a palloptera muliberis in my house yesterday never seen one before not sure if its new to the valley

Martyn Hnatiuk said...

Not on the valley list, I have other Palloptera but not this species, well done.