What a difference a day makes. Yesterday I had 5 species, today with a bit of fine weather I had 32 species of hoverfly. New for the year were Platycheirus clypeatus (1), Platycheirus rosarum (1), Cheilosia fraterna (1), Cheilosia illustrata (1), Cheilosia proxima (3), Neoascia meticulosa (1), Neoascia tenur (1), Sphegina elegans (1), Sphegina sibirica (3), Myathropa florea (1), Eumerus funeralis (3), Pipiza austriaca (2), Pipiza noctiluca (1) and Microdon myrmicae (1), which takes me past 50 species for the year. Most abundant species was Platycheirus albimanus (20). Other notable records included Melanostoma mellinum (3), Platycheirus tarsalis (1), Parasyrphus punctulatus (1), Chalcosyrphus nemorum (2) and Xylota jakutorum (4).
Plenty of other insects on the wing including the first Dingy Skipper of the year, moths Incurvaria masculella and Ancylis badiana. Longhorn beetle Rhagium bifasciatum, Green-Orb Spider and Ashy Mining Bee.
Birds were represented by Cuckoo (1), Whitethroat (6), House Martin (3 pairs) and at last Swift (1 pair)