Wednesday 15 June 2022

Caerau livening up

 Plenty of hoverflies about today. 33 species in total, new for the year were Scaeva selenitica and Parhelophilus versicolor. A new colour form of Merodon equestris had me going for a while, until I photographed it and plenty of Chrysotoxum bicinctum about, lots of Pipizini on the hemlock water droplet mostly Pipiza austriaca and Pipizella viduata and a few specimens taken that could be better. Still only one Eupeodes corollae about and an interesting Xanthogramma showing characteristics of both pedissequum and stackelbergi taken as a specimen for Roger to sort out. 

9 species of day flying moth seen, 5 species of butterfly headed by a very worn Painted Lady.

Chrysotoxum bicinctum
Episyrphus balteatus
Eupeodes corollae
Merodon equestris - all black with orange tail (new form for me)
Parhelophilus can't generally be done from photos - this one checked in hand was "versicolor"
Syritta pipiens
Volucella bombylans - "plumata" form

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