Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Caerau hoverflies

 The 10th of October usually marks the end of the hoverfly season, but the fine frostless weather means it will extend a little longer. Michaelmas Daisy is still hanging on and there is a good crop of Autumn Hakwkbit for them to feed on as well as a few other isolated species not expected this late. Yesterday I recorded 14 species on my walk, which is a more than fair count for October. Highlights being Eupeodes luniger, Eumerus funeralis and a very late Chrysotoxum festivum. Most numerous were Episyrphus balteatus (35) and Eristalis tenax (30). Surprisingly a lot of hoverflies were male, which means the season will be extended as this time of year I only expect to see egg laying females at the end of the season.

Sphaerophoria scripta
Eristalis tenax
Episyrphus balteatus
Eupeodes luniger
Helophilus pendulus
Sericomyia silentis

1 comment:

Paul tabor said...

nice havent had a chance to check the ivy tidy yet