Monday, 29 May 2023

Bank Holiday weekend

 More sunny weather brought out many more hoverflies, my year list jumps to 63 after a somewhat poor spring. Over the weekend  I visited Gilfach (west)  [19 species], Caerau/Blaencaerau [42 species -a new May record] and Maesteg (golf course) [18 species]. All "the big boys" are starting to emerge like Sericomyia lappona and silentis, Volucella bombylans and Didea fasciata. Leucozona lucorum are emerging in the biggest numbers I have seen but the pine hoverflies are yet to kick off. Hawthorn is having a good year and is attracting a lot of hoverflies, but Bramble, Ground Elder and other umbellifers are yet to flower.

Sericomyia lappona
Sericomyia silentis
Volucella bombylans  -  plumata form
Pachytodes cerambyciformis
Rhagium bifasciatum
Dingy Skipper
Small Heath
Drinker moth larva
Large Red Damselfly

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