Friday, 21 July 2023

Garnwen lower moors

 Although somewhat cloudy the first big emergence of hoverflies of the summer occurred today with over a thousand individuals seen of 30 species. Largest numbers seen were various Syrphus species (400+), Episyrphus balteatus (300+) and Platycheirus albimanus (250+). New for the year was a male Eupeodes lapponicus and other highlights included Melangyna umbellatarum and a late Sericomyia Lappona.

All the usual butterflies, bumblebees and day flying moths were seen. Beetles were well represented in the longhorn beetles Leptura quadrifasciatus and Pachytodes cerambyciformis as well as 1000's of the Soldier beetle Rhagonycha fulva. Lots of various tachinid flies about as well as the conopid flies Conops ceriaeformis and Sicus ferrugineous. Only birds of note were juvenile Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and Jay.

Sericomyia lappona
Syrphus irruption
Conops ceriaeformis
Leptura quadrifasciata

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