Tuesday 18 June 2024

Caerau, Blaencaerau (revisited)

 On Sunday after grandpa duties just had enough time for a 3hr local walk. The C.O.P. is particularly good at this time of year and I got 43 species ,with lots of good species. New for the year were Eupeodes latifasciatus, Scaeva pyrastri, Chrysogaster virescens, Anasimyia contracta and Parhelophilus frutetorum. Some of the other highlights included Rhingia rostrata (2), Helophilus hybridus (1), Parahelophilus versicolor (2), Pipiza noctiluca (1), Criorhina berberina (1) and Dasysyrphus tricinctus (2). Most numerous hoverflies were Eristalis pertinax (65), Syritta pipiens (60) and Melanogaster hirtella (44). Here's a few photos of the best I could capture.

Volucella pellucens
Anasimyia contracta
Chrysotoxum bicinctum
Merodon equestris
Parhelophilus versicolor (checked in hand )
Rhingia rostrata
Scaeva pyrastri

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