Thursday 19 September 2024

Caerau revisited

 A quick walk around the Caerau circuit on Wednesday brought in much the same 31 species of hoverfly but with high numbers of Helophilus pendulus (33) and Sericomyia silentis (24). It is still the one Ivy blossom in bloom so looks like the other bushes will keep the season going well into October. Finally had Eupeodes lapponicus and Eupeodes luniger for the year taking me to 102 species for 2024 so far. Highlights were more sightings of Volucella zonaria and Rhingia rostrata both having exceptional years. Eristalis tenax (50) still the commonest hoverfly.

Volucella zonaria
Eupeodes latifasciatus - male & female
Eristalis nemorum - diagnostic flight behaviour
Cheilosia impressa - late record


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