Saturday 27 August 2022

Garnwen (lower moors)

 A warm sunny day at 24c brought out 31 species of hoverfly, which is a good count for this time of year. Highlights included and Eriozona syrphoides, Chrysotoxum arcuatum, all 3 Leucozona which doesn't happen very often, Melangyna umbellatarum, Scaeva selentitica, Xanthogramma pedissequum and Sphegina eligans.

My yearly sighting of Nowickia ferox (tachinidae fly) was finally achieved and 12 species of butterfly were on the wing with Painted Lady in good numbers and looking freshly emerged.

Eriozona syrphoides
Leucozona lucorum
Nowickia ferox
Garnwen slope covered in Hemp Agrimony and a magnet for the larger hoverflies such as Eristalis pertinax (170) and Eristalis tenax (105).

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