Saturday, 13 August 2022

Gilfach (west), Point to Point

 Temperatures continued in the 30's and topped out at 34c today, but there were still a few hoverflies braving the heat. I recorded 195 hoverflies of 21 species which wasn't to bad considering. New for the year were Eupeodes latifasciatus, Eristalis intricaria and Sphegina eligans (numbers 97, 98 & 99 for the year). Nice records included Chrysotoxum bicinctum, Dasysyrphus tricinctus, Leucozona glaucia, Melangyna compositarum  and Melangyna umbellatarum. Most numerous species was Eristalis pertinax (50). 

As expected lots of butterflies about today best being Painted Lady and Wall. Another Cinnamon Bug was spotted otherwise fairly quite on the insect front beside the usual suspects.

Dasysyrphus tricinctus
Eristalis intricaria
Eupeodes latifasciatus
Painted Lady

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