Sunday, 25 June 2023

Fourth week of June

 Finally a bit of rain, but not enough to trigger the summer hoverfly broods. Around about 30-35 species seen this week with the first Cheilosia scutellata emerging as well as Riponennsia splendens. Highlights being Scaeva selenitica which is probably resident in the coniferous forests rather than migrants and continuing large numbers of the "big boys" - Sericomyia silentis, Volucella bombylans and Volucella pellucens. We are in the quiet fortnight between spring and summer broods and things will really explode with a couple of days rain.

On the butterfly front Ringlet, Dark Green Fritillary and Small Skipper are on the wing albeit in low numbers. Speckled Longhorn beetles continue in good numbers. Masses of various bees are about, just wish I had time to collect and ID them all. Day moths especially Burnets are out in good numbers but haven't found any Forester yet this year. All quiet on the bird front but the swifts are performing well. Early umbellifers are now finished so its waiting time for Hogweed and Angelica season although Cowbane is starting to blossom.

Cheilosia illustrata
Volucella bombylans
Volucella pellucens
14-spot Ladybird
Common Awl Robberfly
Dock Bug

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