Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Second week of June

 Fine weather continues, a bit to warm at times. Hoverflies out in good numbers, 31 species seen at Blaencaerau on Sunday, mostly in the central field which is now coming into its own with Hemlock Water-droplet and Ragged Robin in full bloom along with Bramble. Highlights include Scaeva selenitica, Anasymia contracta and Xylota sylvarum.

Chrysogaster solstitialis
Eupeodes corollae

Amongst the butterflies Meadow Brown are starting to emerge and Common Blue are becoming more noticeable. The Five-spot Burnets are now out in big numbers and the huge numbers of Burnet Companian continue. Middle-barred Minors are regularly being seen feeding on umbellifers during the day.

Meadow Brown
Common Blue
Five-spot Burnet
Five-spot Burnet pupae case
Burnet Companion

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