Tuesday 23 July 2024


 I am still waiting for the hoverfly irruption this summer, last year it started on the 21st July but not this year yet. Although there were three first for the year hoverflies seen in Chrysotoxum festivum, Epistrophe glossulariae and Leucozona laternaria. In total 26 species were recorded with other highlights being Platycheirus granditarsus, Scaeva pyrastri and Merodon equestris. Most numerous species was Syritta pipiens (45).

Chrysotoxum festivum
Leucozona laternaria
Sericomyia silentis

Butterflies were headed by Ringlet (20+) and day moths saw the first of the year in Pammene aurana and Silver Y.

Pammene aurana

Other species seen included much better views of Conops flavipes and 2 Juvenile/immature Common Lizard. On the bird front I can hear House Martin chicks in the one nest previously mentioned and 6 pairs of Swift are gathering over Caerau ready to coax out the fully grown juveniles.
Conops flavipes
Common Lizard

Finally lots of new flower blooms appearing a few of which I photographed.

1. Common/escape Comfrey - 2. Wood Sage - 3. Meadow Vetchling - 4. Tufted Vetch

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