Sunday 14 July 2024

Gilfach (west), Top Llan

 Weather hasn't been great as of late, but a visit to  top Llangynwyd always cheers me up. Its the quiet fortnight between broods at the moment, but I still managed 30 species of hoverfly, with my first Platycheirus granditarsus of the year. Other highlights included all three forms of Volucella bombylans plus Helophilus hybridus. Most numerous was Sericomyia silentis (14).

Nice to see Ringlet butterflies out in good numbers amongst all the commoner insects. Nothing to report on the bird front though.

Three forms of Volucella bombylans (A. plumata, B. bombylans, C. all black/white tail)
Eristalis nemorum
Scaeva pyrastri
Xanthogramma pedissequum s.l.
Common Green Grasshopper
Figwort Sawfly actually on Common Figwort

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