Monday, 11 June 2018

Blaencaerau coal-tip reclamation site

Very warm today (26c), so waited till 5 p.m. before going for a saunter around the local patch.

19 species of hoverfly were seen highlights being Anasymia contracta, Pipiza austriaca and Eristalis intricarius. All the usual bees were headed by the first of the year Patchwork Leaf-cutter Bee. Plenty of moths around today, with a freshly emerged Forester Moth feeding on Slender Thistle-heads, this is the only modern-day site in Glamorgan for this species. It flew just as I clicked the photo button - bugger. Also first of year in 5-spot Burnet, Dichrorampha pettiverella and Pandemis cerasana. Butterflies included lots of Small Heath and Common Blue, with a few Dingy Skipper and Small Skipper. Only Large Red Damselfly present at the ponds. Longhorn beetle Pachytodes cerambyciformis and other beetles like Oedemera virescens and Green Dock Beetle present. Cuckoo's calling from both sides of the valley and a pair of Stonechat were feeding young, Tree Pipit still displaying and a distant buzzard may well have been a Honey Buzzard, but just to far off to be sure. New blooms keep appearing now, 8 today with the best being Smooth Tare. The tips are now covered in Southern Marsh Orchid and Western Marsh Orchid.

 5-spot Burnet
 Anasymia contracta
 Eristalis tenax
 Forester Moth habitat - emergence seems to coincide with flowering Slender Thistle.
 Stonechat male
Celypha lacunana

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