Thursday, 28 June 2018

Heatwave not good for some insects

The last three days the temperature has been between 28c and 32c and has been reported as a heatwave by the UK press and should last into the weekend. Once the temperature hits 26c hoverflies drop off in numbers and become hard to locate. I have seen 3 species of hoverfly feeding on exposed mud (not seen this before) and I've been bitten by a long list of insects requiring my blood for sustenance.  While other insects love the hot weather like butterflies and dragonflies, both of which have been out in good numbers, particularly Ringlet and Golden-ringed Dragonfly. The first longhorn beetle Stictoleptura rubra, which is a UK rarity has emerged, with 3 males at Gilfach (w), Llangynwyd.

 Large Skipper
 Phasia hemiptera
 Stictoleptura rubra 
 Golden-ringed Dragonfly
 Common Frog
Willow-leaved Cotoneaster

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