Friday, 1 June 2018

Common Clothes Moth new for valley

A while back the county moth recorder convinced us that all the clothes moth seen around the house would be Case-bearing Clothes Moth (Tineola pellionella) and not the Common Clothes Moth (Tineola bisselliella) which is probably extinct in Glamorgan. I haven't had any clothes moths now for a number of years. So the ones before were recorded as Case-bearing clothes moth and i can vaguely remember sending a specimen off to him which was later confirmed.

Wind on to the present and last week I read a report on the internet that the Common Clothes Moth was making a come-back for various reasons and numbers were being recorded all over the country. Low and behold I started getting odd glimpses of clothes moth when I turned on lights while entering rooms in the house. Bit of research on the internet lead me to Amazon where you can purchase sticky pheromone traps for various species. Within a day of putting them up (today) I had trapped a single Common Clothes moth on my lure, this being the first for the valley. My Case-bearing Clothes Moth trap is so far empty. At the moment my Common Clothes Moth trap is downstairs and the Case-bearing Clothes Moth trap is upstairs. I'll switch them round after a month to see what happens. Common Clothes Moth prefer carpets, while Case-bearing clothes moths prefer clothes, linen etc.

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