Thursday, 19 July 2018


30 species of hoverfly were recorded at Garnwen today with the highlight being 3 Eupeodes lapponicus. This is the 3rd year on the trot that I have recorded this species in the valley here, they are the only records for Wales and looks like this species has a stable colony here. Common Fleabane seems to be the favoured food plant for adult flies. Other highlights included Sphaerophoria philanthus and Eristalis rupium.

An impressive 13 species of butterfly were recorded including Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Brimstone and high numbers of Gatekeeper. Bees had all the usual species with Patchwork and Willoughby's Leaf-cutter bees present. The first Stictoleptura rubra longhorn beetle female of the year was present amongst the males. Tree Wasps are now very numerous as was the Tachinid flies Tachina grossa and Sicus ferrugineous..

 Painted Lady
 Stictoleptura rubra - female with red thorax
 Stictoleptura rubra - male, much paler with black thorax
Dasysyrphus albostriatus

 Eristalis nemorum - with the male above the female in characteristic hovering flight seen only in this species.
Cheilosia impressa - small black species with yellow base to the wings.

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