Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Top Llan other stuff

The rain has benefitted other insects beside hoverflies. I recorded 13 species of butterfly including Painted Lady. Bees and Wasps were everywhere and I came across a monster queen Buff-tailed Bumblebee, the biggest I have ever seen it was close to 2" in length. Lots of Plant bugs present too lead by Deraeocoris Ruber. Harlequin Ladybirds have started to arrive also. Tachina grossa (UK's largest fly) out in good numbers as was other tachinid flies. I also came across an orange fly I'm not sure of, so I've put it on Ispot for confirmation if possible. Moths were represented again by numerous Pammene aurana, Grapholita compositella, Silver Y and 6-spot Burnet. I also have 12 new flower blooms for the year.

 Buff-tailed Bumblebee - monster queen
 Harlequin Ladybird - tucked in Hogweed seeds
 Small Copper and Ringlet on Ragwort
 awaiting ID on this one. Will update when confirmed [ID'd on Ispot as "Phaonia subventa" (a muscid fly)- new for valley]
6-spot Burnet

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