Sunday, 15 July 2018

Iceland (part 4/final part) - hoverflies and other stuff

Iceland only has a short list of 21 species of hoverfly, recorded mainly from visiting dipterists. I photographed a number of species around the Island and had the ones I was not familiar with kindly identified by Gerard Pennards of the world database for hoverflies []. Two of the species were new for Iceland and they were Eupeodes rufipunctatus and Platycheirus manicatus. So I managed to get my name into the annuls of Iceland hoverfly recording. Other species seen which have been recorded before and are also common in Great Britain were - Sphaerophoria scripta, Dasysyrphus pinastri, Dasysyrphus tricinctus, Platycheirus albimanus, Neoascia tenur and Syrphus species (ribesii/torvus). The only other animals seen were two separate sightings of Arctic Fox, Iceland's only mammal.

Eupeodes rufipunctatus - new for Iceland (Lake Myvatn)
 Platycheirus manicatus - new for Iceland (Lake Myvatn)
Arctic Fox - (Latrabjarg, Westfjords)

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