Sunday, 2 September 2018

Caerau/Blaencaerau circuit

Nice warm day (23c) with plenty of cloud cover had me out for 6hrs, walking the perimeter of my local patch. The area was full of insects having their last throngs of summer. A satisfying 37 species of Hoverfly were recorded, with Melangyna umbellatarum and Dasysyrphus tricinctus new for the year. Top 5 highlights being Chrysotoxum arcuatum, Eristalis rupium, Xanthogramma pedissequum, Volucella pellucens and Riponnensia splendens. Some regular species were out in good numbers such as Helophilus pendulus (34), Sericomyia silentis (19) and Eristalis tenax (170).

Three species of Tachinid flies were headed by Nowickia ferox. 10 species of butterfly included 6 Painted Lady. 4 species of Ladybird had Larch Ladybird as the best. Moths included 5 Silver y, Brindled Plume, Pyrausta purpuralis and a Fox Moth caterpillar. Another three species of Shieldbug were seen in Green Shieldbug, Bronze Shieldbug and Cinnamon Shieldbug. The last two being new for me and probably the valley. 6 species of Bee were headed by a very large queen Tree Bumblebee. Dragonflies also made an appearance in 10 Common Darter, 2 Southern Hawker and Golden-ringed Dragonfly. Finally I also found a Red Osier Dogwood shrub which was new for me. Not much on the birds front except plenty of Linnet and Goldfinch.

 Eristalis rupium
 Volucella pellucens
 Brindled Plume
 Fox Moth caterpillar
 Bronze Shieldbug
 Green Shieldbug
Tree Bumblebee queen

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