Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Garnwen and Drysiog loop

The fine weather continues (17c) but nearly all the flowers including the Knotweed have now died back, so this site is done for the year. The clear nights are cold, near zero degrees last night so insects are dying off rapidly. I only managed to find 9 species of hoverfly with Eupeodes latifasciatus (1) and Sericomyia silentis (5) the highlights and Episyrphus balteatus (16) being the most numerous. So now only the Ivy banks remain to be checked. I stopped off at one of them on the way home at Halfway House, Llangynwyd and found that it has been removed by the owners or council, which is a bitter blow as I record here well into November. The only other Ivy banks of note are at Maesteg cemetery, Lletty Woods and Cwm Darren Woods that I know of.

Butterflies were still around though, 4 species recorded with Comma (1) and a late Small Heath (1) the best. I also found another Kidney-spot Ladybird and Bronze Shieldbug. A Common Frog was near the small pond on the corner. 3 species of Bee still going with Orange-tailed Furrow Bee (10) putting in a strong appearance. Birds again were notable by their absence.

 Sericomyia silentis
 Small Heath
Common Frog


Paul tabor said...

Martyn there is a good ivy bank a long the river between llynfi lane and bridge street it's on the path behind cricket club I haven't recorded there yet but should be good

Martyn Hnatiuk said...

Checked it out today, the Ivy has been cut back to look more pleasing to the eye and benches have been added, so the site is no longer any good. However near the lower bridge there is a bank of Ivy untouched but not yet in bloom, but it was already in the shade at 11 o'clock, so an early morning visit is the only chance of getting something when it will also be too cold. The cemetery Ivy is in the sunshine at the height of the day so is a much safer bet.

Paul tabor said...

Bugger that wall along the cricket club was really good too!