Saturday, 21 July 2018

Blaencaerau coal reclamation site

20 species of hoverfly were seen today, but it was definitely an Eristalis day, with all seven of the valleys species being seen. The five common species were in good numbers - arbustorum (20), horticola (12), nemorum (35), pertinax (80) and tenax (8). The two rarer species were also seen and posed well for photographs - intricarius (male), rupium (3). Also seen today was first for the year in Helophilus trivittatus.

The only dragonfly seen today was a male Keeled Skimmer. Tree Bumblebees were the best of 6 species of bees seen. Other insects were the norm except for Tachinid flies, where I recorded Tachina grossa, Tachina fera and Eriothrix rufomaculata. 9 species of butterflies were headed by 13 Ringlet, there was also 4 Silver Y migrant moths.

Both pairs of breeding Stonechat have 3 well grown juveniles. The Swifts have taken flight today with 22 juveniles which equates to 8 pairs, the lower end of the normal counts [8-15 pairs]. The adults kept away from the screaming juvenile pack, they'll all be gone for another year in a day or two, but I think there are at least other 3 pairs acting as if their juvs have not fledged yet. [25th July update - another 10 Juvs have fledged, meaning 32 juvs from 12 pairs which is a slightly better than average year].Three House Martin nests have been located and active [+1 from last year], but no flying juvs yet.

 Eristalis intricarius (male)
 Eristalis rupium
 Tachina grossa
Eriothrix rufimaculata


Paul tabor said...

had a couple of rupium up garnwen on sat too mart lots of eristalis i did look for E.syrphoides but no joy i might try again this weekend my hover counting been poor this year due to working every sat and hot weather :(

Martyn Hnatiuk said...

I've had rupium there too, as well as Top Llan, whose Hogweed and Ragwort are in full bloom at the moment. The lane to My. Ty-Talwyn is best in the afternoon when the sun gets directly on to it. My hoverfly numbers are down 60% from this time last year because of the weather. Hope they can recover quickly when the weather breaks.

Paul tabor said...

Fingers crossed