Sunday 19 April 2020


My last day of freedom, had a phone call Friday to go back to work after 3 weeks isolation and exercise. So with the weather quite warm (17c) and very little wind a walk around the COP was in order. I recorded 18 species of hoverfly, 1 short of my April record. New for the year were Eupeodes luniger (1f), Sphaerophoria scripta (1m), Cheilosia vernalis (2f) and Syritta pipiens (10). Good records included Melanostoma mellinum (2m), Epistrophe eligans (1m), Melangyna lasiophthalma (1f), Parasyrphus punctulatus (16), Cheilosia chrysocoma (2m) and Cheilosia pagana (1f). The C. vernalis and C. chrysocoma were new for the square taking it to 105, one behind Garnwen. Unusually today the insects weren't jittery and were easily photographed.

Butterflies continue to show in good numbers in the warm sunshine, with Orange Tip (8) leading the way. New bees for the year were Hairy-footed Flower Bee (1), Early Mining Bee (5) and Common Carder Bee (2). Adela cuprella (40) gathered in their masses [just like witches at black masses 😝].
On the bird front Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler and Blackcap are now settled in. New for the year were the first Whitethroat and a reeling Grasshopper Warbler. Siskin and Goldfinch seem to have good numbers to.

 Melangyna lasiophthalma
 Cheilosia albipila
 Cheilosia chrysocoma
 Cheilosia chrysocoma
 Epistrophe eligans
 Parasyrphus punctulatus
Typical Cheilosia chrysocoma habitat

Adela cuprella

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