Monday 20 May 2024

Blaencaerau in the sun

 Continuing fine weather is seeing more and more hoverfly species emerging, up to 57 species since the 1st of May. There is a total lack of the Syrphus family group about, only 2 Syrphus torvus seen so far this year and no ribesii or vitripennis. On the plus side Parasyrphus are much easier to find with "lineola, malinellus, nigritarsis and punctulatus all recorded in good numbers. Also had my first Episyrphus balteatus of the year, which is almost certainly a migrant, with the poor weather up to May destroying the chances of any hibernating/spring brood individuals from emerging safely.

Leucozona lucorum
Episyrphus balteatus
Melangyna lasiophthalma

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