Sunday 26 May 2024

Gilfach (west), Top Llangynwyd

 My first full visit to this area this year, proved to be a good idea as Hawthorn and Rowan were in full bloom.. A small parasyrphus was on a Buttercup flower warming up in the sun. I took a few photos before I potted it, On examination in the pot I could see it was clearly a Parasyrphus annulatus, which is a new hoverfly for the valley [number 148]. I took it home and checked under magnification to be sure. The photos are inconclusive not showing the hind femur pattern and lack of upright hairs on the squamae but I'll post it anyway.

Otherwise 27 species were seen, highlights other than the parasyrphus were Criorhina berberina, Criorhina floccosa and Pipiza austriaca. Most numerous species was Eristalis pertinax (60) although  a high count of Myathropa florea (8) was also pleasing.

All the usual insects and birds were present including the longhorn beetles Pachytodes cerambyciformis and Rhagium bifasciatum.

Parasyphus - which when examined was "annulatus" and new for the valley
Pipiza austriaca
Criorhina floccosa
Dasysyrphus venustus s.l.
Syritta pipiens
Oedemera nobilis (Swollen-thighed beetle)

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