Monday 13 May 2024

Last week

 Some fine weather for a change had the hoverflies coming out in good numbers and number of species. 41 species were seen and it seems like Rowan is attracting a lot of insects. Below are a few photos from the week

Cheilosia variabilis
Chrysotoxum arcuatum
Dasysyrphus venustus s.l.
Epistrophe eligans
Sericomyis silentis
Sphegina species - probably clunipes.

On the bird front had my first Swifts of the year at Blaencaerau along with Grasshopper Warbler and Whitethroat being the highlight of 39 species. Looks like the Willow Tits have disappeared till the Autumn, I tried tracking them a few times but they disappear towards the farm area.

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